The growth of our city is dependent on population. The economic benefit to grow our population needs to be carefully assessed and strategically planned. I believe that our city needs to retain its charm and always have accessibility and be inclusive for all.
As a city we embrace the arts and festivals and I believe this should not be contained to one part of the year and enjoyed all year round. Evident from the success of our festivals we embrace cultural and music events and we should incorporate this vision in every part of our city.
As a city we need to focus on ensuring we are creators of ideals and support industries and investments that support community and economic growth. We need to essentially say we are open for business and deliver this message to work towards investment that strives for creating a future for our city.
Just imagine all this growth in economy, population and infrastructure is all incorporated in a green city that is liveable. I believe our parklands should remain as Colonel William Lights vision of six squares surrounding Park Lands and remain relevant to provide a sanctuary for the growth of our city and used by all for cycling, walking, health and fitness.